Personal injury attorneys play a crucial role in cases involving intoxicated drivers. They provide legal representation to those who have been injured, either physically or emotionally, due to the negligence of another person, company, government agency or entity. Among the most common types of personal injury claims are those related to traffic accidents caused by intoxicated drivers.
When handling cases involving intoxicated drivers, personal injury attorneys begin by thoroughly investigating the incident. This involves gathering all relevant evidence such as police reports, witness statements and medical records. The attorney may also hire an accident reconstruction expert to recreate the scene of the collision and determine exactly what happened.
One important aspect that personal injury attorneys must establish is liability – proving who is at fault for causing the accident. In cases involving drunk driving, this can be relatively straightforward as it’s illegal to drive under the influence of alcohol or drugs in every state. However, proving liability might require additional evidence like breathalyzer results or blood tests showing that the driver was indeed intoxicated at the time of crash.
Once liability has been established, personal injury attorneys then work on quantifying damages – calculating how much compensation their client should receive for their injuries and other losses. This includes tangible costs such as medical bills and lost wages from being unable to work after accident but also intangible damages like pain and suffering.
Negotiating with insurance companies is another key task performed by personal injury attorneys in these cases. Insurance adjusters often try to minimize payouts by disputing liability or downplaying victims’ injuries; having a skilled attorney advocating on your behalf can help ensure you receive fair compensation.
If negotiations fail and settlement cannot be reached out-of-court then case will proceed trial where attorney presents evidence before judge jury who ultimately decide amount compensation awarded victim if any.
It’s worth noting that not every case handled by a personal injury attorney goes all way through trial process; many are resolved earlier stages via negotiation settlement agreements which can save both parties time money while still providing victims with compensation they need deserve.
In conclusion, personal injury attorneys provide invaluable assistance to victims of intoxicated drivers by investigating accidents, establishing liability, quantifying damages and negotiating with insurance companies. They ensure that victims receive the full compensation they are entitled to for their injuries and losses. Whether case is settled out-of-court or goes to trial, having a competent personal injury attorney on your side can make all difference in achieving positive outcome.
Munley Law Personal Injury Attorneys
227 Penn Ave, Scranton, PA 18503